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white spots on goldfish

23 14:02:36

Have noticed some white spots, like salt on my sons black moor goldfish, he is now breathing strange !!  What do I do ??

Hello Carly,

These white spots are a very common disease known as Ick, or Ich.

Ich is easily treatable when caught early on. Go to your local pet store and ask for an ich treatment. Seachem's Super Ick Cure is my favourite.

However, Ich is caused by stress. If you do not find where the stress is coming from, ich will come back. Usually, ich is caused by either a small tank, poor filtration, or not enough water changes.

On goldfish, ich is 95% of the time caused by too small a tank. How big is your tank? Any less than 20 gallons and the ich will come back.