Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > my female betta fish is not eating

my female betta fish is not eating

23 11:07:01

hello my female betta fish is not eating the food i'm giving. first are the pellets, she didn't eat them and the second one are the brine shrimps, she didn't eat them either so the brine shrimps died in the bottom of the tank. can you please tell me why my female betta fish is not eating the food that i'm giving her? the water temperature is 79 degrees


 What size tank is she in? How long have you had her? What are the readings of ammonia, nitrite, and nitrates in the water? Sometimes, our fish just go through short periods of not eating. Her stomach is the size of her eye and if she is being over fed, this could bring on this problem. Fast her for a couple of days and then try feeding her the pellets again. Just give her 1-2 pellets a day and see if this brings her around.