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tetra tank mates

23 11:30:09

Hi Richard,

I'm new to the aquatic world. I purchased some fish from my local walmart. namely I have 3 Serpae tetras, 4 H/F Black Tetras, 4 red eyed tetras, 2 chinese algea eaters, and 1 platty. all in a 29 gallon aquarium. That local store has a multiple of other fish they sell, but I'm uncertain which are good and not good tank mates. so I'm going to give a list of fish and if you could tell me which ones I could get that would be great. also if you could tell me a maximum number of fish for this size tank. I have these fish as an option. Blue channel catfish, sarasa comets, shubunkins, calico fantails, koi's, black moors, dragon fish, zebra danio's swordtails, glofish, black fin and bala sharks, corydora's, multiple gaurami's, spotted puffers, oscars, crowntail,mail, and female beta's, clown loach, pictus cat, parrot fish, fiddler crabs, african cichlid regulars, and clown knife. any help you could offer would be greatly appreciated thanks! Brian

Hi Brian

Of the fish you named, only the Zebra Danios, Swordtails and Corydoras Cat would be compatible with your current fish. However, you are almost at capacity for the 29 gallon. I would add either a couple of more Platys, or a couple of Swordtails and let that complete your tank. You don't want to overcrowd the tank as you will lose fish. A good rule is one inch of fish per gallon of water.

Hope this helps, good luck!
