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Think fish has been attacked

23 14:03:36

We've recently bought three orandas, a goldfish and a pearl..something. They all seemed to settle together ok, but today i noticed that my pearl seemed to be floating at the top - not dead, so thought it might be full of air..but then noticed one fin completely gone and the other ragged and a bit off its face. Think it may have been attacked - have taken it out with water, a plant and some stones from the tank - it seems more settled, but its not eating. Will its fin grow back? Will it survive without it? Is it destined to spend its days on its own? How can I get it to eat? How can I take care of it? Thanks

Hi Fleur,

the Goldfish certainly aren't to blame here. It is virtually unheard of for them to be aggressive or territorial although they can be boisterous when food is present.

I think it's likely that the fish was pulled into the filter. This is a common problem with small, weak fish. I myself have lost a few small goldies to over-zealous filtering. I think it is unlikely that the fish will survive. A fish pretty much wears its immune system on the outside. Once the slime layer is broken, bacteria cells such as Fungus are likely to attack unless water quality is kept spot on. Fungus is abundant in water but will only attack when a fish is weakened by another source.

Treat the tank with Melafix to help keep the sores closed, feed very small amounts of green foods (pond weed, green blocks) along with a high quality oxolinic acid flake food to prevent ulcers forming. Treat the fish to small live foods to promote colouration and alertness.

Purchase a test kit and keep a close eye on pH (should be 7.0), ammonia (nil), nitrate (0.50 is dangerous, keep below 0.20 for a sick fish), nitrite (nil). Carry out regular filter maintenance and change 25% of the water if any readings are over what they should be.

The fin will never grow back. However, I take in Pufferfish that have deformities, have been attacked etc and most can cope without ventral fins.

Good Luck!

any probs, drop me a line and I'll do all I can to help you
