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Elephany nose is sick

23 11:52:32

QUESTION: My elephant nose's nose is pink. It looks like he lost his skin. I have im in a 55 gallon tank with gouami, black ghost and about 4 other fish. There were two aggressive fish that kept nipping his tail.the past four days he has been at the top of the tank but today he is extremley listless and his nse is off color. The ph is 7.4, amonias and nitrite is 0 nitrate 10. Help i don' want to loose him. Tank is 6 weeks old.

ANSWER: Hello Paula,
Elephant Nose, and Black Ghost should never be in the same tank.  They both give off electricity, and one will eventually kill the other.  Elephant noses have been known to kill off fish that harras them.  If the Elephant nose is weaker, he will be killed by more aggressive fish.  They are nocturnal, and seek their food at night.  They often rub against other defenseless fish shocking them.  Your gouramis are not safe in the same tank with an Elephant Nose.  If you really want to keep him, you will have to depart from some of your fish.  The Black Ghost will have to be returned to the pet store as well as your gouramis.  The black ghost does little damage, even though he does give off electricity, but will defend himself if need be.
You must cure your elephant nose, and it is best to remove him from your tank.  Not all medications are good for him.  He is a scaleless fish, and you must be very careful what medication you use.  The pet store will have medication for him,  Tetra fungus cure would be one of them.  He surely must have fungus setting in seeing as he was injured.  Talk to the fish manager of the store, he should be able to tell you what medication is best.  Elephant noses are very sensitive to water conditions.  There must be no ammonia or nitrates in your tank at all times.  Water changes are very important for him, as well as other fish.  He is not a beginners fish.  There is lots of information on him on the net...too much to write it all out here.
I hope he recovers, and that you will find him tankmates that he will be compatible with.  If you want to keep your other fish, cure him, and return him for a credit.  I am curious to know what other fish you have in your tank.  Gouramis are not aggressive fish, neither is the black ghost when kept with peaceful tankmates.
Hope this helps

Hi again Paula,
The banded Laporinus is a peaceful fish, however there is one that looks just like him, only he has more than 8 bands, and is very aggressive.  However there are always exceptions to the rule.  Your two electric yellows are Afican Cichlids.  Most African cichlids are very aggressive, and territorial.  The yellows are less aggressive than most afficans, but shouldn't be mixed with gouramis.  They need alkaline water from 7.5 to 8.0  The Black Ghost lives in acidic water from 6.5 t0 7.0.  I hope they will all get along, but provide hiding places in your tank.  Just thought I would drop you a note on this.  When buying fish, always read up on them.  Many fish do not mix.  When adding fish that are not compatible, you stress your fish, and they get sick, and sometimes die.  There are many beautiful fish in Pet Stores, but you have to be sure before you buy them, where they come from, water PH, their names, then you know what you are putting into your tank.  

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

Thank you for all the info. My Powder Blue Gourami was nipped at mercilessly too. His sides were raw so I moved him to a small tank of his own. There is now white fluffy stuff,almost feathery, growing ouy of the raw spots. He doesn't appear any worse for the wear.He continues to swim around,eat and greet me when I look in at him.What do you think it is and should I be worried?

Hi Paula,
Your Gourami will need medication.  Fungus has set in, and it will eat him alive if you don't medicate.  There are lots of medications for fungus at your Pet Store.  You will have to get rid of the fish that is aggressing your fish.  Observation is the key.  Watch to see which one it is, and take him back to the pet store for a credit.  He will eventually attack all the fish you have.  There is a fish in your tank that is very aggressive, and you must find out which one.  Electric Yellows are not the most aggressive fish, but they are African Cichlids, very territorial, and should be kept with African Cichlids.  Watch them, it could be them that are aggressing your other fish.  Gouramis have no defense when it comes to African Cichlids.  African Cichlids are not for beginners, they are very territorial, need lots of hiding places, should be kept with African Cichlids only...their decor should be changed every month...they will mate, and become very bad, so if I were you I would change these fish for fish that are easier to keep, less aggressive, and get along.