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Used tank, possibly infected? How to clean.

23 14:53:22

I just got a larger tank for my single Goldfish(called from Alfred here on). It was given to me by my friend, and I don't know if there have been any sick fish in it or not, so I'm going by the assumption that there have. How do I clean it? I've been planning to bleach it, but what are the pro's/con's for that, and if I should, how?
I don't want to risk anything with Alfred, he's not just a decoration he's a pet so I'm being VERY cautious.

Hello Emily-

Glad to hear that you're such a concerned mom for little Alfred! Rather than bleach, I would use hot water, possibly pressurized, like from a hose, but bleach is fine. If you decide to go with it, you're going to have to do at least five intense rinses. Be sure you use a 10% bleach solution (1 part household bleach to 9 parts water) and let the tank air dry to eliminate any residual bleach.

Hope this was helpful, and I hope Alfred likes his new home.
-Amber Worman