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lionhead goldfish upside down

23 14:53:23

Hi there
Our lionhead shares his deep outside pond with 2 other non-show koi and some plants. We have a pump running continually to ensure the water is oxinated (sp) properly and every now and then put drops in the water to keep the blanketweed to a minimum.
The lionhead has been swimming upside down now for months. He catches himself between the plants and is often stationery for hours. I read a previous answer that suggested we feed him peas? Please explain this further and how we can ensure the other fish don't get affected. Many thanks

Hello Tracy-

Peas help fish regain control over their swimming by regulating digestion. Most swimming problems are caused by pressure building up on the swim bladder from a bloated stomach. To use peas to help your little guy's digestion return to normal, get some frozen peas and allow them to defrost. Squeeze them out of their shells, and feed them whole (if your little guy's mouth is big enough to swallow them.) It's also best to fast the fish completely for a week or two while administering the peas-only diet. To keep on top of this treatment, it's probably easiest to isolate the affected fish. You can use a piece of screen (if you want to keep him in the pond) or just remove him to a tank for the duration of the treatment. I'd recommend the screen method, it will lessen the stress on your little one.

Hope this is helpful - Feel free to write back with any other questions!
-Amber Worman