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23 14:47:52

I have a 35 gal tropical tank with an 4" angel, 5" rainbow shark, 3" albino shark, 3 2" tiger barbs, a 6" pleco, and 7" clown knife. On the angel and the barbs their fins look bad with the edges being black. Is that something wrong or just the sharks nipping? Also the rainbow always keeps the albino behind the heater is there any suggestions on a way of getting the albino bigger so it isn't pushed around? How do you tell if it is male or female?

To get the albino shark bigger put a divider in the tank feed him more then the other fish. for the fins if they have a white outline or look like they are clamped they probaly have fin rot i would treat it with melafix. I don't know how to tell males from females though im sorry