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Betta discoloration

23 14:47:52

Hi. My girlfriend's betta fish has started acting strange. Normally very lively and vivid, he now lays at the bottom of his tank. We did change his water just about 2 or 3 days ago. And we notie that the area around his mouth has turned white, as opposed to his all red body. Could it be that the temperature of the water is too low? If so, how do we raise the temperature for him?

Hello Kevin-

Bettas need warm water, at least 78 F. You can leave a desk light over his bowl, or set the bowl on a heating pad wrapped in a towel if you are concerned about the water temperature.

But, with the white-mouth symptom, I am suspecting Coulmnaris. This disease is either really easy or really difficult to treat. Try adding a dose of QuickCure daily for 3-4 days to see if there is any improvement. If not, you'll need to net the fish and use a Q-Tip with a drop of QuickCure to swab the mouth area. This should clear up the infection within 24-48 hours.

Hope this is useful, and I hope your little one recovers.
-Amber Worman