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Gill Infection in my Betta

23 11:20:37

QUESTION: I've had my pet Betta for about 2 months now. About 5 days ago the snail that shared his tank with him died but I didn't realise until three days after (and removed it). Now my Betta has red patches around his gills and keeps them flared out sometimes. It's red inside too and I think he has bacterial infection. He didn't use to eat when the dead snail was still in the tank but he's started eating again yesterday after I changed the water and removed all the pebbles and plants. Please help my Betta live. Thanks!

When a snail dies in the water, it poisons the water, and this may kill a fish.  Since the betta was in this poisoned water for three days, the best thing to do is to changes all of his water again, and add aquarium salt.  (One teaspoon to 5 gallons of water)  You may also give him a treatment with "Tetracycline."  I cannot guarantee that he will make it, but he may.  Change his water completely after three days, always using a good water conditioner such as "Stress Coat", and continue treatment for another three days.  After this time, change all the water again.  Remove your carbon when medicating.  Follow the directions on the package, and be very careful not to overdose.
I hope the little man pulls through.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thanks for that! Just another question: I think his eyes have sort of gone popeyed. I looked up the red gills and popeyed eyes on the internet and I've been thinking about Ampicillin but I'm not sure. Thanks for all the help!

Yes, you are right, by all means use Ampicillin if he has Popeye.  Do not wait.  The sooner you medicate, the better the chances of complete recovery.  It will also help his red gills.  It is a good medication, and I would use this one if he has Popeye.