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Betta Fish/Clown Fish Care

23 15:10:11

I am very interested in Betta fish and the common clown fish. I haven't bought anything really yet except a male betta fish that I keep in a tiny tank which I am hoping to change. If I bought both breeds they obviously would be kept in separate tanks but I was wondering how you would recommend cleaning the tanks and how to breed each one. If you have any links or just know all the info for caring for clown fish and betta fish that would be greatly appreciated because I am a novice but definitely interested. To be honest, caring for a common clown fish is something I have no clue really about. Like what is necessary and what isn't. Do I have to buy a brand new aquarium? Or is a used one okay?   Also is there any ways you know of to decrease the cost of all of this? Thank you very much for your time!

Hi Nancy;

Bettas are very easy to care for. Here is a link with details on this;

As for the clown fish, are you talking about the clown loach that lives in freshwater? If so, here is info on them;
Come to the freshwater forums to find out all the ins and outs of setting up a tank for them;

Are you talking about the "Nemo" type clownfish?
If so, they are delicate saltwater fish and require setups of at least 30 gallons. Here is a link about setting up a tank for them;

Used equipment is more economical, but if you aren't experienced with aquariums you should read up about it first. Shop around at different stores too. I can help with freshwater, but I really am not up to date on saltwater information if you need help there. Browse the site where I sent you to the "Nemo" fish for saltwater tank info. It's a great site.

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Chris Robbins

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