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Eye cloudiness on fish

23 14:25:06

Hi Ron,
I am hoping you can help me with this strange occurrence.  It seems my adult Black Angelfish has developed what seems to be a cloudy bubble over the outside of one eye, like a cataract?  Like I said, its on the outer side, and not like 'popeye' disease.  She (part of a mated pair) is otherwise alright.  No other visible problems and she is eating well.  All water variables are good.  No live plants or anything new has entered her tank.  Very puzzling.  Not sure how to treat this.  I thought maybe you had some ideas?  Thank you...Bruce

Hi Bruce,
 That is almost always the result of attacks by another fish.  Fish often bite each other on the eye.  The eye goes cloudy on the outside.  The good news is that if it is left alone to heal, it usually can heal perfectly within a few weeks.

-- Ron
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