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1 Black Moor with rust spots, 1 with dark cloudy eyes

23 14:47:45

  I have two black moor goldfish that I've kept in a ten gallon tank for about a year now. I had a friend watch them over the summer and when I got back the smaller one had lost most of his black color, and is now rust colored. He looks healthy..eats,and is active. Is there anything I can do for him?
  My other question is about my second fish. He is a very large black moor and his eyes are huge. I noticed that they were getting cloudy, it looks like there is a dirty film over them. I checked the tank for chemicals and everything is fine... is there something I can do for him?
 Thank you for your time, I really appreciate it!!
  - Kristin Beck  

Hello Kristin-

The golden moor is fine - As moors age, they lose their black color and eventually end up gold or white. It's perfectly normal, and will not affect him in any way.

Cloudy eyes can be treated with any antibiotic, namely through medicated foods or products such as Kanacyn. Aquarium salt may help to clear up the infection as well.

Hope this is useful!
-Amber Worman