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Im afraid Im losing my betta

23 11:22:37

QUESTION: Hi Lynda.  This is the second time I've written you concerning my betta, Lyndon, and I appreciate your advice.  I have moved him from the 1/2 gallon tank he was in to a 2.5 gallon tank, which is the largest I have room for.  I bought a mini heater which isn't adjustable but is supposed to be the right size for that tank and his water stays between 79-80 degrees.  I'm not using the light but have been running the filter.  Lyndon still has popeye and hasn't eaten for about a week now.  I'm treating with Maracyn and Maracyn 2, I think for over a week now, and see no change.  He's getting worse and mostly lays on the bottom of his tank.  I've tried soaking his food in garlic and feeding a frozen pea and he's eaten nothing.  He mostly lays on the bottom of the tank now and looks terrible.  There's only one specialty fish store near me and I went there and they gave me somethig called Betta Revive which is supposed to treat protozoan, bacterial  and fungal diseases.  I used that for about five days before switching to Maracyn because he seemed to be getting worse.  Lyndon is my first betta and I didn't know much about them until he got sick.  I've since read countless info on bettas including your site and don't know what else I can do.  The Wet Pet store wasn't helpful at all and I'm desperately trying to save him if I can.  Is there anything else I can do?  Thanks so much.

Popeye almost always stems from poor water conditions.  You must keep his water very clean.
Treat him with " Ampicillin"  Before treatment, change all of his water, and continue changing his water every three days, adding medication.  When your Betta looks better, continue the treatment for one week, always changing his water every three days.  Sometimes a betta will lose one eye.  This happens when he is not caught in time.  Maracyn, and Betta Revive will not help with this disease.  You must find Ampicillin.  You will have to separate the doses seeing as one capsule treats 10 gallons of water. Break the capsule, and separate it to be sure you have the right dose. Be careful not to overdose.
I hope the little guy pulls through.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hi Lynda.  Thank you once again for your response.  I've exhausted all the local pet stores and no one has Ampicillin so I've ordered it on line but will have to wait a few days.  In the meantime, I'm continuing to treat with the Maracyn products because that's all I have at the moment.  I actually think the popeye occurred after I bought new aquarium gravel.  I was always meticulous about cleaning his tank but after using the new gravel (which I rinsed thoroughly) the water got extremely cloudy and the popeye developed soon thereafter.  My question now is...he seems to look a little better and I think the popeye is shrinking, but he still hasn't eaten anything.  I've seen him go to the top of the water several times and he's swimming occasionally, but is there anything I can do to encourage him to eat?  Also, before the Ampicillin arrives, how often should I change his water and what percentage should I change?  I'm still hopeful that he'll pull through this but I know he won't make it if he doesn't eat.

Unfortunately when a betta is not well, he will not eat.  They also do not eat when they are in medication.  Try giving him a rest from medication for 2 days.  He may eat in clean water. You could try feeding him frozen bloodworms.  Bettas love this, and rarely ignore it, unless they are very sick.  Bettas should have bloodworms now, and then, but never their main dish.  Here is a list of food, the betta should have:
Betta Pellets
Betta flakes
Daphnia..this is very important as it helps the betta with their digestive system
Plankton flakes
Frozen brine shrimp
One cooked frozen pea a week with the outer layer removed, and cut into tiny pieces.  This is so he can clean out his system, and avoid Swim Bladder Disease to which the betta is prone.  Feed the pieces to him one at a time, making sure he eats them, and that they do not fall at the bottom of the tank.  The more you vary, the healthier he will be.  Bettas that are fed good food, and kept in clean water seldom get sick.
For now, keep him out of medication for 2 days, and hopefully you will receive the Ampicillin.   Change his water completely every three days, always using a good water conditioner.  Adding 1/2 teaspoon of diluted aquarium salt will help him with stress, and parasites.  
Popeye can also be the result of an injury, or it could also be a gas bubble behind the eye.  We can never be sure of the cause, but the most frequent cause is the condition of water.  Sometimes gravel is very difficult to clean, so it may have been the cause.  
One important thing that I must mention.  Bring his water up slowly, as bringing up the temperature too quickly would be deadly.  I have never used a preset thermostat, but I would hope that it will bring the water up very slowly.  It should be written on the package.
Also, you might have done this already, but just incase, he should have a silk plant where he can rest on the leaves, and a little toy he can go through.
I hope that the Ampicillin will cure him, and that he will recover.  Please keep me posted.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hi again, Lynda.  I found your reply to my last question just before leaving for work yesterday, so on the way home I stopped for frozen bloodworms and got up at 5:30 this morning to do a complete water change.  I used a water conditioner and aquarium salt and didn't add any medicaton to the tank. His popeye looks better and he started swimming again Sunday night, but he still didn't eat this morning.  I thought I would try the bloodworms again tonight and maybe several of the betta pellets I always gave him before.  For a fish who hasn't eaten for over a week, he seems to have a lot of spunk.  I do have two silk plants in his tank and am now using glass stones but haven't been able to find the little toy you suggested that he can go through.  Everything I've looked at has sharp edges which I was afraid would tear his fins.  Can you recommend any places where I could find something on line?  Also, you mentioned using a good water conditioner.  I'm using one by Top Fin for bettas but am open to suggestion if you know a better one.  I feel so bad about the ordeal Lyndon has gone through.  When I got him, I was completely ignorant about the care of bettas and only knew what I was told in the pet stores, which was completely wrong.  I've since learned a lot, with many thanks to you for helping me so much, and am still hoping this beautiful boy pulls through.  My sincere thanks, Lynda.

Hi Pat,
Since he is swimming around, this is a good sign. Give him a little time to eat since he is just out of the medication.  Top fin is a good product.  I use Stress Coat.  Stress Coat does everything Top Fin does, but also replaces the natural slime coating fish need when they are stressed after sickness or after an injury, etc.  Stress coat also has Aloe Vera, which will help heal torn fins, and skin wounds.  It is a very good water conditioner.
I have found little boats in pet stores that my bettas love.  There is also little logs you can find, that a betta can go through at the pet store.  Maybe you could find something at Walmart.  You just need some little thing that he can go through.  If you live near a river, you may find flat rocks that aren't rough, that you could lean one against the other so he can go through, or lean them against the wall of the tank.  Make sure you clean the rocks well before putting them in your tank.  I boil mine for fifteen minutes.  You could also look around at the dollar store.  They have so many little things, you may find something there.  I found a fish in glass there with a high hump, and my betta can go under it, and he loves it.  I'm sure you will find something.  Their is no need to buy online, unless you really want something special.  If so just Google "Betta fish toys" and it will bring you to sites where they sell toys for bettas.  I have never ordered online, so cannot tell you which one is best.
I'm happy to know that Lyndon is doing better.  A rest from medication is needed.  Too much medication may harm a fish.  It is best to keep him in clean water until you receive the right medication. Please keep me posted on how he is doing.  