Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > breeding gouramis

breeding gouramis

23 11:22:36

QUESTION: I just bought my son three gouramis, one is a pink kissing, one is a blue, and one is a dwarf. According to the pictures it looks to me like we have 2 females and one male. Is it possible for me to crossbreed these fish?

ANSWER: Hi Christina,
  Pink kissing gouramis are actually very different than other gouramis in fact they are even in a different family so it is HIGHLY unlikely that it would breed with the others. Blue gouramis and dwarf gouramis are more closely related but are still different species.  I doubt if they would crossbreed and if they did, the results would not be nice.  If you want to breed fish, be sure to get members of the same species.

-- Ron C.
  Cichlid Research Home Page <>

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: this morning when i woke up my dwarf was dead....its missing scales, looks like one of the other fish killed him. would it have been one of the gouramis(which i read are peaceful) or my bottom feeder?

Hi Christina,
  I'm sorry to hear that.  It could have been any of the other fish.  The idea that some fish are "peaceful" and others "aggressive" just because of what species they are is a common misconception. Behavior depends on many things. Partly it depends on which species you are talking about, but partly it depends on territoriality, breeding status, etc.  

-- Ron C.
  Cichlid Research Home Page <>