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What type of fish can I put in a fish bowl

23 14:07:14

Hi, I have a 2.5 gallon fish bowl in my office at work.  I had a Crowntail Beta in the bowl who is now at my house.  I would like to put something else in the bowl, but wasn't sure what I could.  The bowl is not in direct sunlight, but still in a well lit area.  I like beta fish, but would like something diffrent. Any advice you could give me would be very helpful.  Thank you.

Hello Sarah,
Unless you were to put a small filter and heater into your bowl (which is possible) the only fish you can really put into a bowl and expect it to live would be a betta. Siamese Fighting Fish are gorgeous tropical fish that come from shallow rice paddies in Asia, where they are used to smaller bodies of water with no aeration, and can live in a bowl where there is not very much surface area, and no aeration at all, because of an organ they have on the tops of their heads called a Labyrinth.
The Siamese Fighting Fish is actually quite beautiful and have become so popular because they are so gorgeous and so easy to care for.
They actually do have quite a bit of personality, it's just that people have so many misconceptions about them because they are so hearty and they are sold everywhere so people are used to seeing them and don't realize how special and unique they are.
If you want a beautiful, tropical, easy to care for fish, Betta Splendens are the only way to go.
If you still want to try your hand at a different kind of fish, remember that most other fish will require more care.
You might be able to put 2-3 fancy guppies in that bowl, but you will still need a filter and a heater.