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pacus aquarium fish

23 11:46:42

I have a 55 gallon tank, and would like to know how to treat the water? Would aquarium salt be beneficial to the life of the fish? I used wardley cichlif floating pellets, and my tank and  home smells like eggs, what could be the problem?

Hi Heather,
  I can't think of any good reason to add salt to a tank with a pacu in it.  Pacus come from the central Amazon which has absolutely no salt in it at all.  

  As for the smell, how often are you changing the water?  You need to change 25% of the water once a week, every week to keep the tank happy and healthy.  It is also possible that you are overfeeding.  Only give your fish food that they eat right away.  Never put in food for them to "eat later".  It will just rot and that might be the cause of the smell. Most people vastly overfeed their fishes.

-- Ron
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