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lab. c. again

23 11:55:29

QUESTION: alright well i just got them from a local breeder and there all hanging at the top the females that is and they wont eat there not holding
should i quarantine them and add salt ?
should i fast them for 24 hours ?
should i just put them back in the 90 with the males ?

ANSWER: Hi Devin,
Put them back in the 90 gallon with the male.  As long as you have hiding places for them, it should be okay.  If they have eggs in their mouth, towards the end, (You will see) then you put them in another tank.  Make sure the other tank is big enough, and that the water is exactly the same as the water in the 90 gallon.  If you are using the 20 gallon ...fill it with water from your 90 gallon to make sure the water is the same.  Also check your ammonia, and nitrates often, and do your water changes every week.  You could add 1 teaspoon diluted aquarium salt to 5 gallons of water.  That means 18 teaspoons diluted aquarium salt for your 90 gallon, and 4 teaspoons for your 20 gallon.
If you see that the male is harassing the females, then you will have to move them.
When fish are hanging around the top of the tank, it is usually because they are lacking oxygen.  Make sure there is lots of water movement in your tanks.  It could also mean that your water chemistry is not right, so check this to make sure...Ammonia should be zero, and nitrates should be safe.  The PH should be between 7.8 and 8.5.
African Cichlids are all about observation.  You must watch them closely.
Hope this helps.
I would like to add, that females do eat a little while the eggs are in their mouth, so don't be alarmed if you see them eating...they eat very little, not much, just very small bits...they are not eating the spawn.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: i know the parameters are right im not sure whats with them i think they have a gill fluke but i treated them with clout but i for got to remove the carbon so in 12 hours i will remove the carbon do a 25 % water change and try this again

ANSWER: Hi Devin,
You must start the treatment over, since your carbon must have removed the medication.  Do a 25% water change.  
Gill Flukes are highly contagious.  Your must give them one treatment, then another one two days later, as the medication does not kill the eggs.  When the first treatment is over, do a 25% water change, always siphoning from the bottom of the tank.  Treat again, as the first treatment will not kill the eggs.  When all is over, and fish look well, do a 50% water change, and add your carbon.   Hopefully they should all be killed off.  
You could also use any medication that has formalin in it.  Formalin is very good to get rid of flukes.
Make sure you have lots of aeration in your tank so that your fish will not lack oxygen.  If you don't have enough aeration, add an air stone, this will help.
Hope this helps

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: i actually used clout on 3 yellow lab females and aul. chipoke and it made them bleed from there nicks i believe i might loose the peacock but the labs are looking better they dont stay at the top i did 50% water change and added aquarium salt tomarrow i will do 25% water change and add a teaspoon of empson salt but they still arnt eating

Clout is very strong medication, and should be used with care.  Sometimes a fish manager will tell you to use clout if they don't know what is wrong with your fish.  Quick Cure would be a better choice, if you are absolutely sure they have parasites.  Never medicate fish unless you are sure of what disease they have.  
There is a reason why they are not eating.  Is your water alkaline?  It should be around 8.0PH   Do you have ammonia or nitrates in your water?  If you do, this could be the reason why they are not eating.  Check your water chemistry.  When medicating fish, it will sometimes kill good bacteria, so check your water to make sure there is no ammonia in it.  Ammonia is the number one killer of fish.
Let them rest in non-medicated water for three days to see how they will be.  
I don't understand why you are putting Epson salts in your water...would you tell me why please?