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Tetra stuck in Oscars mouth

23 14:48:31

Hello!  You helped me a few weeks ago, and I have had great success.  I was worried about my new oscar hiding.  You related that this was normal behavior and suggested perhaps putting dither fish in with him.  I did this:  a little school of giant danios and beunos aires tetras.  I knew that he would soon be big enough to eat them, so I have already set up another home for them with a friend of mine who has a tank available for them.  WELL....he decided to eat one MUCH sooner than I had anticipated and he is now VERY outgoing and attached to us already.  My problem is that he appears to have the buenos aires tetra stuck in his mouth with just the tail fin coming out.  Will this problem resolve itself, or do I need to extract the fish somehow?  
Thank you for your help!!
gloria wills

Hi Gloria,
 That is a tough one.  Does he appear to be breathing okay?

The trouble with an oscars mouth is that it is a one-way trip -- things really aren't designed for prey to come back out so pulling out the tetra is not a good move.  If however, the oscar is in distresss, you are going to have to do this. The key here is that you need to not damage the oscar.  Personally, I would leave it but keep an eye on the oscar.  

-- Ron
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