Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > My betta fish is acting funny!

My betta fish is acting funny!

23 11:44:32

QUESTION: Just last night I fully cleaned his aquarium, and this morning he is swimming funny and his gills are extending really far!

He has never done this before. Also, when he breathes, he moves over onto his side while floating.

I had read that putting aquarium salt in the aquarium helps with heatlh, so that is the only new thing that I tried last night/the only thing I did different to him. The only other thing I could possibly think of would be that my hairspray somehow got into his water from across the room... and was starting to affect him the morning before?

Please respond quickly! I do not want my betta to die!

ANSWER: Hi Tessa,
Change all his water again, and do not add the salt, remember to put conditioner in his water, and write back to me if his behavior does not change.  Tell me what you are feeding him, what size tank he is in, and your water temperature please.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I had to go to school after I emailed you, so I kept him in some tuppa-ware (I'm not sure how it is spelled) and clean water all day. He recovered a little bit.

Just now I entirely cleaned his aquarium and he is back in it. He is no longer extending his gills as far and is not as bloated. Another good thing is that he is back to his lively self!

I keep him in a 2.5 gallon tank and the water is room temperature. (It is very hot in my room, so don't worry about temperature.) Everyday I feed him "Betta Colorbright" flakes and once a week I give him a "Tetra Bloodworm" as a treat.

Right now, when he swims to the bottom of his tank or just deeper in it, it seems as though he almost floats back up a centimeter or two. Is that normal?

Hi Tessa,
This is not normal behavior for a betta.  He could be constipated.  Cook him a frozen pea, remove the outer layer, and cut it into small pieces.  Feed the pieces to your betta one piece at a time making sure he eats all of it.  Feed him nothing else for one day.  See if he wastes, if he doesn't waste, you will have to treat him with an antibiotic such as Tetracycline or Furan 2.  
Constipation is due to poor diet, and overfeeding, and when left unnoticed leads to Swim Bladder Disease.  He may have the beginning of Swim Bladder.  When caught in time this disease is curable.  
Bettas should have a varied diet.  One day feed him Betta Pellets, the next Betta Flakes, the next Glassworms, the next, Plankton flakes, the next bloodworms...the more you vary, the healthier he will be.  I realize that you cannot buy all this food at one time, but buy him some different kinds when you can.  Feed him twice a day in small amounts...example 2 pellets for one meal.  Feed him a pea once a week, and on the day you feed him the pea, feed him nothing else, so that he can clean out his system.  Always remember when feeding him, that his tummy is the size of his eye.
For now try feeding him the pea, and see if he is wasting, if not get him antibiotica as soon as possible.
I would also like to mention that he should have a little silk plant that you find at your pet store.  They are not expensive, and Bettas love to rest on the leaves.
I hope he will continue to be his old happy self, and write me if you need more information.