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Overfed fish

23 14:48:51

I went away on vacation any my brother in law accidentally overfed my fish. Way overfed there was uneated food all over the bottom of the tank. I just got it from a freind about two months ago and haven't learned everything yet. I get the water test every week and so far everything is fine. I have a 55 gallon tank with two small tetras, one Tiger Oscar, two Chichlids one 3 in and one 2 in and Two Pacu's the Pacu's are getting big and will be going to my neighborhood Fish store as soon as they have room.I also have a six inch pleco. I have already done a 50% change using the Syphon to attempt to clean the gravel. There is still alot of food and waste floating in the tank and I noticed my fish are a little sluggish my Oscar also has what looks like a puncture hole in his head about the size of a pencil eraser which wasn't there when I left and one oscar looks fuzzy like his scales aren't really straight. Is there anything I can do?  

Hi Kevin,
 Keep doing water changes (50% at a time if you can) for several days.  That should remove most of the damaging material.  In the future, it is always best to tell feeders
that underfeeding is far better than overfeeding.  In fact,
if you are going away for only a few days (e.g., 3 or 4) it is best to not feed them at all.

-- Ron
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