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filling my tank with cleaner fish than goldfish

23 14:36:49

QUESTION: I have just a small tank and have had goldfish, tetras, etc. through the years.  Are there any types of fish that are cleaner than these?  I buy algae eaters, clean the filter often but it just seems that goldfish are pretty dirty fish.  Any answers?
ANSWER: Hi Karla;

What size tank?
What kind of filter?
Does it have a heater?

Let me know and I can give you some recommendations...

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I just have a small 5 gallon tank.  No heater and not sure of what type of filter.  Someone said you should only add 1 1-inch fish for every gallon of water.  Is that true?  I just want something for my 4-year old to enjoy but don't want all the mess of goldfish.  I had those for years.  Thanks!

Hi Karla;

Our Freshwater Fish guide Shirlie Sharpe has some excellent suggestions for coldwater fish. Just do research on their maximum sizes so you don't get anything with a potential size that's too large for your tank. I wouldn't risk anything that grows over 2 inches in a 5 gallon. Look at temperament too. Even small fish can get feisty. Here is a link to her page with suggestions;

Here is a great site you can do your research on for sizes and "attitude";

The "one-inch-per-gallon" rule applies only to small types of fish that get to be no bigger than a couple of inches as adults. It's a good rule, but not for big guys. For instance, a goldfish actually needs at least a ten gallon tank just for one. They get so big and messy (6 to 8 inches) that you really can't use the "one inch per gallon" rule for them. Also, you have to calculate your tank population using the potential adult size of the fish. Most fish are not adults when we get them so they will need more room later.

While the tank is breaking in (the first 6 to 8 weeks) you can only have one tiny fish in there. Once that period of time is over you can slowly add more. Here is a link to my article on new tanks to help you with that part;

Have fun!

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins