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Plecos about to bite the dust

23 14:14:30

Hi, We have an outside pond, 400 gallons, and put a Plecos in last spring.  We have hardly seen him, but tonight we found him upside down and laboring to live.  It's fairly cold in the pond, and our algae population is down.  He is showing a very small bit of white fuzz on his fins, and a chunk of white fuzz on his head...looks like his eyes are white but we don't really know what they are supposed to look like.  We have just brought him inside to a healing aquarium, but he's looking very bad.  Any ideas?

Michelle,                                                    Plecos do not winter in a pond. He probably has a fungus and should be treated immediately with erythromycin. Treat him for 7 days remove your carbon. Then a 25% water change and new carbon.I hope you acclimated him slowly when you brought him. They do acclimate to cold , but not winter cold. They acclimate to goldfish tank cold... like 68 to .... 74 degrees cold. Of course they will live in tropical also. Good Luck.... If you have questions about what can live in your pond I would direct my question to Expert ... Robyn Rhuddy... in ponds. Good Luck with your pleco kiddo....Tina