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My Betta Fish.

23 14:21:37

QUESTION: Hello Tina,
I had Hollister for about three months. He is such a beautiful beta fish! I have him in a tank with a filter and a light that I bought from Petco, He is swimming around and mostly lies at the bottom near the water filter, and when I feed him sometimes the food pops right out of his mouth and back on top surface. He also opens his mouth wide open as if he is yawning, I have him near my computer but I don't think that would be the problem. His light says on 24/7... do you know what is wrong with him? I keep worrying about it.. I feed him BETTA BITES by HBH. Let me know what you think  by e-mail. Thank you!

ANSWER: Aidan,          Some bettas don't do well on floating food. It is rare.The filter may be bothering them since they usually do better in non - filtered tanks. I don't know how big your tank is though.Because of their labyrinth organ they gulp air when they eat and it hurts their digestion. I would take a frozen pea and squeeze it between your fingers. It is like a laxative to them. Then switch him to a frozen bloodworm. They go to the middle of the tank. Just get a flatpack and open it dip the corner in and shake off a couple or 3. adjust according to his eating habit.Put it into a freezer bag and plop it back into the freezer. It will last forever.... I think this will be great for him..... Good Luck Tina

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QUESTION: Hello Tina:
Thank you for your prompt reply. I have him in a Aquatic Gardens 1 gallon filtered, lighted tank. It uses the gravel as it's filter. Hmm... Petco said I'd be set with all the right things I needed, liars! :p. I will try the pea tomorrow morning. Do I still feed him his regular food, or just the pea twice a day? Also, where do you get bloodworm's (Getting the chills!)? Do I replace this with his regular food forever? Please get back to me as soon as you can.

Thanks again Tina!


ANSWER: Aidan,          A pea once a month.Right now two times this week. Then take the shell out. You can get the worms at the petshop. They aren't so bad. Just looks like small piece of thick red thread. Wait til you see him swimming around with it hanging out of his mouth very funny. Does this have the tube up the back that bubbles with a little grated piece under your rocks. This is like a little undergraval. Anyway the size of your tank and the type of filtration is fine. Oh and turn your light off at night he needs time to rest even though he has no eyelids they do kinda sleep.Sure this is a stable diet for your little carnivore.You can also add a little aquarium salt. It helps in osmosis(how he drinks...absorbing water and releasing it).It is very cheap and also helps ease stress and prevents parasites. All very benifitial to your baby. 1 Tablespoon per 5 gallons adjust accordingly. You can get a container for about 2 bucks klast you forever. Add everytime you do a water change. Change your water evry 2 to 3 weeks. Good Luck Kiddo, Tina

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QUESTION: Thanks again Tina!
The tank has a black tube that blows bubbles out of it from the top, the undergravel has a plastic underneath the rocks.. and inside the filter there is a purple blueish rock thing. Now should I invest in perhaps a bigger tank? I like to spoil my pets! I have the filter off since last night and I should be getting stuff from the pet store once my mother gets back from school. Also he has been flaring a lot lately which is good right? Um... I noticed him swimming a lot more and attacking the reflection of himself since I turned the filter off, he also seems to be biting his reflection. I do use a conditioner, and do water changes every other week, then I put his old water inside his tank to fill the other half up... so, anything else I should know?



Adian,          It sounds like he is happy . Maybe the filter was agitating him, but I don't think so. You never know though if he was happier with it off leave it off. If you are going to leave it off.... do total water change every 2 weeks. He doesn't need an ecosystem to live.... Bigger is always better. When you have a pet you always want to give it the best. You can add a snail with him ... keep him busy. Let me know how big you go and I will let you know what you can put with him... good Luck ,Tina