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Beta Fist

23 14:28:41

I added "Bowl Prep" and waited 24 hours before adding my new beta to the water. I fed it 6 pellets a day - he didn't eat it, and now, after 3 days, "Charlie" is lifeless. He stays at the top of the water, not moving much, and blows bubbles when I tap on the 1/2 gallon tank. What can I do to save him?

When fish arrive in new homes they are stressed and scared that is what the problem sounds like for your fish. You can buy frozen and freeze dried bloodworms from the petstore and he should love those. Also you need to upgrade your tank i know you think it is ok to have bettas in small places because the petstores have them like that, but it is not those are only temporary homes. You can buy 2 1\2 gallon tank packages at the petstore, walmart, and fremeyers they are nice they have a light,filter, and a cover, but you need a heater too their are 50 watt heaters you can buy so your betta doesn't live in cold water set the thermostat to 77 degrees and he will be fine. I hope you get him into one of those tanks i told you about and try the food to.