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My baby goldfish

23 11:10:19

hey Renee, i have a question about my new born baby goldfish they are about 3 weeks old maybe less they came from my adult goldfish i brought in from my pond for the winter and they had babys they probably had about 200 to start with and its gone down to about 30-50 left i feed them basic fry food i bought at petsmart and its just a powder and they just keep dying so many die that theres clumps of them on the bottom ive done a whole water change once but it didn't seem to help i used water conditioner and aquarium salt in their bucket its 5 gallons and has a bubble filter because the parents were eating the babys but how can i help them survive any ideas i have a bubble filter because my friends fish has babys and they all dies because they got sucked into the filter and their in the bucket because i don't have an extra tank right now and advice to help me help them would be great and products food ect.
p.s. sorry for the lack of punctuation and capitalization

Part of the problem is probably the filtration.  What are you using for filtration? A ubble filter won't need to hang a filter and also, please get some live plants to add to their tank to add oxygen.

It will cost you hardly anything to pick up another tank on  I see 55 gallon tanks for $50 all the time there.  That could mean the difference between life and death.

5 gallon buckets are made of plastics, which can seep chemicals into the water.  Not always, but some of them do.  Do you know what was in the bucket before you got it for the fish?

If anything, buy a 20/40 filter and hang on the side of the bucket and on the bottom suction tube, the tube which sucks water into the filter, just get a sponge and put a hole in it and slide it onto the tubing to prevent baby fish from being sucked in.  They need filtration and the carbon filter on the filtration unit will really help them out.

Stop the salt, also.  They don't need it unless they have a disease.

So, this is a recap of my advice:
1. Different house.  No more five gallon bucket.  Get an aquarium please.
2. Whether you get an aquarium or not, please add a hang on filter to the tank.  Put a sponge over the suction tube and if you use a sponge that has big pours, it will not hamper the suction.
3. No more salt.
4. Add plants.  Anarchis is sold in the store for about $4 per clump.  You can put that in the tank, since it's a water plant, and it will help oxygenate the water and additionally, the fish will eat it.  They will survive far better with plants than without.
5. Water changes.  Change 20% of the water every day if they are going to be kept in a bucket.

If you choose to leave them in the bucket, then you must empty the dead fish daily.  You may end up with a few survivors after winter is over.  Sometimes a litter of 200 can end up being 2.  I hope that isn't the case here.

Christine, I hope this helps and if you need to send a response, please feel free to do so. :)

Happy fish-keeping and congrats on the new babies.  I certainly hope they make it.