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Silver Molly pregnant?

23 11:32:14

I've seen this question asked a lot but I'm still not sure how to tell if my molly is pregnant. I bought her from this fish store a little over a month ago an the day after i got her i had 13 baby fry in my tank so i went and got a breeder an have kept them in there until yesterday. Now i think shes pregnant again an i don't want to put her in the breeder until i know shes ready so i don't stress her out. But also i cant leave her in the tank because I have a blue lobster, a black molly (m), and an algae eater and im afraid they may not make it. What is your advice?

Hi Alex,
 You can't really tell exactly when she is going to give birth.  If she is very fat, I would put her in the breeder.  I don't think that is very stressful at all -- I do it all the time with
my fish.

-- Ron
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