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sick cichlids

23 11:32:14

My african cichlids eyes bulge out. Then they come out and shortly after they die. Can you tell me what this is?

Hi Lois,
It sounds like Popeye.  Popeye is due to poor water conditions.  Before adding fish to your tank, always make sure your ammonia level is zero, your nitrites zero, and your nitrates should be low.  Never add too many fish at once.  Depending on the size of your tank, only one fish or two should be added each week, with water changes of 25% every week without fail, once your water chemistry is right.  Never overstock a tank, and always read up on the fish you buy.  Check your water chemistry for ammonia, nitrites, nitrates, and the PH.  Your PH should be alkaline for African Cichlids 7.8-8.0.  Water chemistry is very important.  
Hope this helps.