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open wound below eye,no white fungus

23 11:31:14

blue orando
blue orando  
QUESTION: heya,i have an orando who has a open wound under his eye,he eats,swims normal,his usual happy self,im treating with melafix which seems to be helping.water quality is fine.i had a bridge in the tank which i have now removed because it had very sharp parts on u think this could have caused the injury? many thanx,angela. pics isnt very clear

ANSWER: ooo looks sore, is that a barb i see in the background?? could have been him, batbs are nippy ESPECIALLY towards fish with longer flowing fins

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: heya,yeah its a baby barb,hes very placid and they get on running a tropical setup and iv got coldwater fish in there aswell as tropical,been 4 years now and they are thriving well.the orlando is so happy,hes fine in himself,i put him in a hospital net/tank to keep him seperate but he didnt like it atall,he went crazy and i thought that would do him more harm than good.any ideas? thanxu

yeah when you seperate them into a smaller section it causes ALOT of stress and alot of the time people have found their fish have died, they think its because of the illness but it is more likely to be through the stress....unless you have a whole nother tank set up then i wouldnt bother, he may be ok, he sounds pretty healthy!!

keep an eye on that barb though (just oncase)