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pregnant or not pregnant guppies

23 14:01:50

hi, I have recently purchased two female guppies about 9 days ago. They both have a dark gravid spot but do not seem to be getting bigger so I don't know if they are really pregnant. I do not know when they got pregnant or how long they have been pregnant so I don't know when to expect babies if they are pregnant. If you could answer these questions I would really appreciate it, thanks.

Hey Anthony

well the gravid spot will get darker as the pregnancy progresses.  The females will grow into a square shape but your females may not be at that stage or they be big and you think they are pregnant but if they have the gravid spot, they are most definitely pregnant.

They should give birth to around 30 babies on their first birth.  But this could increase the next time  around.  They give birth every 4 to 6 weeks to get ready for lots of babies.  Make sure you have another tank to put the babies in, keep it at a constant temp such as 77 degrees Fahrenheit and feed the young baby brine shrimp or infusoria for a few weeks then you can feed crushed flake.  After 3  to 4 months you can put them back in the main tank.

Hope this answers all your questions !  Good Luck.   Jack