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what type of shrimp 2 feed my tiger oscar

23 11:45:45

do i feed my tiger oscar cooked shrimp or raw shrimp and im getting 3 red belled pIrhnia can you feed them pigmy mice or is that hurt the fish

Feeding fish with live food is not a good idea.  It is a myth to feed piranhas with live food, and it is not good for them.  Here is a list of foods for your Oscar, and Piranhas:

A good quality pellet...pellets have lots of vitamins that fish need.  Soak them first, so they will be easier to digest.

A good quality flake

Worms bought at the bait store, and cleaned.  To clean the worms put them in oats for about one week.  Never feed worms found on the ground, as they may have pesticides in them, and this would be deadly for your fish.

Minnows bought at a bait not buy the smoked kind, get the regular.

Crickets, and insects bought at your pet store are also excellent food.

Frozen fish bought at your market that come from rivers, and lakes, not the sea.  Unfreeze before feeding your fish with them.  This is a very good food for your fish.

Frozen shrimp, unfreeze, and remove the tails to feed your fish.

Make sure that all fish you buy as been previously frozen.  This is to prevent bacteria that may be in fresh fish.

Veggies, bought in the frozen section of your market.  Peas. green beans, broccoli, carrots, are also a good source of food.  Blanch them first, then cool, and feed your fish.  It is important for your fish to have peas once a week to prevent Swim Bladder Disease.  On the day you feed them peas, feed them nothing else.  This will help clean out their system.

Bloodworms, krill, plankton, that you find in the frozen section of your pet store.  You can also find freeze dried plankton.

Mealworms are also good for them.

Fruit such as mangoes, apples and bananas may be served now and then.
No citrus fruit.

Never feed feeder fish, they have no nutritional value, and are mostly full of disease.  If fed to your fish, they too will get sick.

Vary their diet.  This is the key to healthy fish.  Fish who are kept with good foods, and clean water, tanks big enough for them, rarely get sick.  Do your water changes, make sure your ammonia, and nitrite levels are always zero, and you will never have a problem with your fish.
Hope this helps