Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > Temp range on african cichlids

Temp range on african cichlids

23 11:45:46

hi there i am starting up a 60 gal African cichlid tank and am worried about my high temp problems, I live in Los Angeles california and the summer is here. the temp gets around 80-98 degrees ( 90's somewhat rare). and my tank temp during the daytime get around 86-88 degrees. is this going to be a problem with african ciclids? can't afford to get a chiller. (out here they range fromm $500-$1800) and i have bin hearing about getting a airpump to put more O2 in the water. is it a good idea?

Thank You
T. Noel

This is going to be a problem as African Cichlids live in 74 -82 water temperature.  The ideal temperature is 78 degrees, never fluctuating, always the same.  When breeding the ideal temperature is 82 degrees.  An air pump will not help you.  I'm sorry.