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Cuts on my common plec

23 13:56:34

Hi i recently rescued a common plec which had been mistreated i've put him in my 200litre tank while my 300 matures but the problem is when i got him he had cuts on his back and a very nasty cut on his fin and they don't appear to be healing is there anything i can do to help it heal? also could it be one of my other fish having a go at him stopping them from healing?

Hi Robert,
  Yes it could be that one of your other fish is attacking him.  Does he have some places to hide?  If not, you might try putting in some wood or at least some flowerpots or things like that.  

 Catfish do not respond well to medications, many of which can actually hurt them because of their lack of scales.  Time (and to be left alone) is the best healer for catfish.

-- Ron
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