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Betta Fish Eye Problem

23 14:03:32

Hi - My betta fish is about 8 months (since purchase) recently I changed his water (I do so about once a week - two weeks and I refresh in between using BettaPlus)
He dropped suddenly in the change bowl and definitely my fault as I was too high for the pour. Likely about a 6 inch drop. He has since become kind of lazy BUT has a bubble over his one eye. It almost seems like a water blister. He is a very cuddly fish and loves attention... beleive it or not... lately he wants me to "pet" him - I stroke him with a clean finger along his back and sides.... and talk to him but I think he is having trouble with the bubble covering his eye. He is a lovely fish and I hate the fact that I may have caused this.
Please any advice would be appreciated!!
Robin in Alberta

Hi Robin,
 It sounds like he has a little physical damage to the outside of the eye. Fortunately, fish eyes are pretty tough and this sort of thing usually heals up in a week or so.  I do not suggest attempting to do anything about it as that might make it worse.  Give him a chance to heal.

-- Ron
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