Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > Turtles


23 15:07:35

There is no categories here that talk about turtles, and I found fishs is the closest one to them. My turtles are that kind of water turtles, they are too small now, their hight is less than 10 cms. you can put two of the easly in one hand.

*The current tank is temporary, it is almost
50*20 cm
*Water Turtles (2), i have no idea about the exact type sry :).
*no filter system.
*We put the water for them from the our drinking water.

-There is something wihite that falls of their skin as they swim or move... is this normal ? and what is that ?

-Are two food sticks are enough for each one ?
the one who sold me the turtles told me that two are enough, but when i feed them their reaction indicates that they r too hungry.

-Are they supposed to grow bigger? and how old are they now ?

I know that I am asking too many question, but you will do me a greate favour if you answer me..

Ahmed Abughoush

Hi Ahmed;

The white stuff is probably their skin shedding as they grow. You may also see little tiny clear thin pieces from their shells being shed as they grow too. They will be in the shape of the different sections on their shells. The two sticks each is probably plenty. Turtles are little gluttons and will eat and eat until it won't go in their mouths anymore. It really isn't healthy to do that though, so it is best to ration their feedings. Without knowing what kind of turtle they are I can't tell you how big they will get, but our sister site should have everything you need to know here;

Have Fun! Turtles are very cute and fun little pets.

Chris Robbins