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14 gallon Betta/Tetra community tank

23 14:03:50

I have a 14 gallon tank, and in it I have one male Beta, five Neon Tetras, an Amazon Sword aquarium plant, and a couple Aponogeton bulbs starting to grow. It has a filter and a heater, and we keep it at about 78-80 degrees Fahrenheit.

My question is if it would be okay to add any more fish, and if so, what kind of fish would be okay to add.

Also, I've noticed that the Neon Tetras stay toward the bottom of the tank, while the Beta usually likes to stay near the top. How can I be sure that the Neon Tetras are being fed adequately? My Beta won't eat flake food because he's picky, and will only eat Beta pellets and blood worms. But I don't know if the flake food is getting sucked into the filter before the tetras can eat it. Thank you very much for your time.

Hello Lance,
It's not that your betta is picky, but bettas have different dietary needs from your other tropical fish. So he's actually eating exactly what he's supposed to be eating.
It can be very difficult to feed your fish when you have fish in the same tank that need different kinds of food. My advice would just be to try and feed them at the same time, on opposite sides of the tank.
It also helps to actually stay and watch whether or not your fish are eating. Honestly, that's the only way to make sure before it's too late that your other fish are getting fed.
You might be able to fit a few more neon tetras, or maybe one or two cory cats.
Just stick to the small fish (under2 inches) and no more than 3 or four more fish at best. It's always better to under stock than to overstock.