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Goldfish & pleco?

23 11:04:24

Hi Jaymie, I have a fish question that relates to can a goldfish and pleco share a tank if it's enough space or will..the pleco always eventually ' turn' on the goldfish? ( I read they like to suck the slime off a goldfish sides)

I have a common goldfish that is about 5 or 6 inches long, and 6 inches around, a rather healthy fish but I have her in a poorly sized tank. The goldfish is in a 29 gallon tank. It's heated at 79 degress and has a hanging box filter. I have another tank, a 55 gallon that I would love to put the goldfish in, but currently it is housing my rather huge pleco. It's about 17 inches long and it's only other tankmate is a opeline gourami. They get along well enough and don't have to interact much, that tank is also heated at a 82 degrees and has a double box filter.
I clean the 29 twice or once a week, and the 55 gallon about once or ever two weeks, all depending on how much they have had to eat that week. you think, or have you heard/read of ..goldfish and plecos living together well, or should I try to rehouse the pleco since I have no desire to buy another tank ! lol

Goldfish are cold water fish where the pleco is a warm water fish. Yes, the pleco will try to suck the slime coat on the goldfish. The larger tank, with the temperature of 82 degrees is way too high for the goldfish. The smallest size tank for one goldfish is 20 gallon, so you are ok with that size tank. The 55 gallon tank is too small for the pleco. The smallest tank they can be in is 75 gallons, but the bigger the better.