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cleaning fresh water fish tank

23 15:12:09

Hello, I'm new to fish care. I have a 10 gallon tank with 2 Platys in it. The chemicals are perfect, the filter is clean - I even put extra charcoal in it. But, I can't get the water clear. I even put a clarifying product into the tank. I use only distilled water when added needed water. I've not cleaned the tank yet, but think I should do so. The tank is about 6 weeks old, the 2 fish were added about 1 week ago. Here are my questions: Should I remove the 2 fish before I vacuum the tank or remove about 1/2 of the water? My fish care book did not address that those questions. And, what do you think about adding aquarium salt? Thanks so much!!

Hi Patricia;

After you add the first fish it takes 6 to 8 weeks for it to fully break in. There will be cloudiness off and on for most of that time. Make 25% water changes at least once a week until it does cycle. You don't have to remove the fish. It is much easier on them if they stay in the tank. Use regular tap water and add a water conditioner to make water changes with. Distilled is okay to top off for evaporation, but don't use it for changes. There are no trace minerals and other things that fish need.

Aquarium salt is great to use for many reasons. It helps prevent disease, helps with stress, and also gives the fish minerals and electrolytes they need. Add a half teaspoon per gallon of tank water. Only add more when removing water for a change, only adding what is needed to treat the new water, not the whole tank. Don't add more for evaporation. If the fish ever seem ill, add another 1/2 teaspoon per gallon. Very therapeutic.

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At Your Service;
Chris Robbins