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Popeye Betta

23 14:50:15

Hi, My betta has what I think is pop-eye.  I have had him for 16months.  Abouta month ago Basil's left eye started with a bulge above it and is now the whole eye petruding out and glazed over.  It is huge and the scales around the eye are sticking out.  I haven't done anything out of the ordinary for this to happen.  Basil happily lives in a huge tank with a filter, light and thermometer.  He is the best looked after fish you'll ever meet.

I'm really worried about his eye and would like to know what to do about it.  I don't want to loose him!!

hi stephanie

if your betta has pop-eye. he may be sick. In that case what you could do id right do about 20-30% water change.
Make sure you check on him. Also check your amonia, ph and nitrate level in your aquarium. If anything get wrost let me know..

hope i helped