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parasites? worms on fish

23 14:50:15

HI i wonder if you can help - we have two large outdoor ponds in our garden, with carp, goldfish and other small fish - this hot weather seems to affect them and three years ago we lost most of them as they seemed to be gasping for air.  Yesterday we noticed some gasping again so we reoxegenated the water, but i noticed some have little worm things in their mouth and on their eyes.  What can we do?

Hi Paula,

Unfortunately, it sounds like your fish have parasites.  You should go to your local fish/aquarium store and ask them for the treatment they recommend for parasite worms on goldfish.  After they have been treated, you should give the pond a very good cleaning.

P.S:  Be careful not to transfer these parasites into your house by bringing in pond water.

I hope I helped,