Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > male beta 2.5 years old

male beta 2.5 years old

23 14:45:56

I have a 1.5 gallon tank I have set my beta up in this past July. Before this he was in a glass vase and the water was too cold, so I moved him to the tank. Over the past 3 weeks he has jumped out of the tank 4 times. The first time I have no idea how long he was out, he was dry when I discovered him and put him back. He has since done it 3 more times and I have been able to put him back in within 15 to 20 minutes. Why is he jumping out?

Hi Maureen;

Sometimes fish jump out because the water conditions aren't good. They are looking for a nicer place to live. You might try changing his water to see if that helps. It should be done weekly.

He may be seeing something that looks like an insect (bettas favorite food) and is trying to eat it. If it looks to him like it is beyond his aquarium boundaries, he simply jumps out to get it.

The only permanent solution is to put a lid on his tank. Anything that still allows air to get in will work. A piece of plastic screen or craft mesh works fine.

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins