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breeding my chinese algae eaters

23 13:59:16

my tank has only been set up for three weeks, it is four gallons. i have only two chinese algae eaters who are both about 2 inches. i have a 3-5 gallon filter from tetra care... i dont know the title. i dont know how to tell what level of chemicals are in the water. i change about 50% of the water a month or ten percent a week. 2 gallons a week.

i want to breed them because they are my favorite fish but i dont want to buy anymore unless i have to. how do i tell what sex they are? how do i "encourage" them? my water is a little cloudy from an algae wafer i think... will it affect them?

Hi Mytes;

I have found no information on sexing and breeding chinese algae eaters. Apparently aquarium breeding happens only accidentally so even expert aquarists don't know how to intentionally breed them. Here is a web page about one aquarist's experience;

Your tank is far too small for those guys though, even if you don't breed them. Chinese Algae eaters grow to be 6 to 10 inches long and are very aggressive and territorial as they mature. There will probably be one dominant fish and one weaker one very soon. If they are not establishing territory and beginning to be aggressive with each other right now, that's a bad sign. It means something isn't right in there with the water and that's why it's cloudy. The tank is in still in the break-in period and they are probably not going to survive it unless you change water several times a week. Get a test kit to monitor the toxins ammonia and nitrite so you know when to change water. If either are elevated, change 25% of the water. Here is my web page about new tanks to help you and your fish through it;

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins