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ick treatment

23 14:31:51

I have one betta in a 2.5 tank with filter.  He developed ick which I started treating on 4/5 with BettaFix Remedy.  He had two spots (one is no longer visible and the other just slightly).  I took the cartridge out of the filter and let the filter run.  My question is after I treat with BettaFix for 1 week do I have to change the water and if so when and just a partial water change or complete water change.  Also, should I do anything special to clean the tank itself if I have to do a complete water change.  He has continued to eat and be as active as he always has been.  I appreciate your help.


Hey Dana,

I'd do upto 50% water changes after any filter-removing treatment. The bottle itself probably recommends about 20% which is not bad either. A fairly large water change will help remove ammonia that's build up during treatment, as well as get rid of the excess chemical no longer needed. Test the water every few days during (any future) treatment to be sure ammonia stays down, and at the end, change between 20% and 50%.

If you opt to change 50%, i suggest doing it over a few days to prevent shock and stress on the fish. Changing to much too fast will put him through too much stress, and he will relapse. Change between 10-20% every 2 days until your water tests come back clean and health. Be sure to use water conditioners too, or else you'll add harmful chlorine and other toxic chemicals to the tank.

Best wishes!