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water conditioning

23 15:05:09

I have a 36" x 16" x 22" tropical fish tank which has been set up about 5 weeks.  It has 5 platys in.  The ph is 7.5 and the ammonia is 0.

I'd like to know if it is essential to add water conditioners to water before adding the water to the tank?  Rather than use chemicals in the water, is it safe not to use a conditioner and to just let the water stand for 24 hours before adding?

Thanking you for any advice.

Hi Carole;

If your water is only chlorine treated it will dissipate by allowing it to be left in an open container for 24 hours. However, if your water company treats the water with chloramine you will need water conditioner. Chloramine does not dissipate. Call your local municipality to be sure of what they use.

Water conditioner does offer other helpful things besides just chlorine/chloramine removal though. It will bind dissolved metals to make them harmless to your fish as well as helping with stress. But, if you don't think these are problems it isn't necessary to use it. Just be sure that the water you add to the tank is the same temperature as the water already in it. You may have to heat a small amount of  water to adjust it before pouring it in the tank.

Maintenance changes in any tank should be done every week. Replace 25% and vacuum the gravel every 3 to 4 weeks during a 25% change. Be sure you have enough buckets or a new well-rinsed plastic trash can that can be left open with the new water the day before you make the maintenance change.

Have fun and welcome to the hobby!

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins