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Can my male beta get a friend?

23 14:13:21

Hey, my one gallon tank that my beta (male) is in gets a little green on the sides, I know that male betas are aggressive, but I was wondering If it was safe to put a pacostmus ("sucker fish") in there with him?? thanks, Nikole

Hello Nikole-

Plecos produce a LOT of waste, even small ones. They also can grow quite large. It would be better to get a Chinese/Siamese Algae Eater; they do a better job of cleaning and produce little waste. It will probably outgrow the tank, so make sure the pet store will buy him back if he gets too large.

Another option is a Gold Mystery snail; they eat algae, but don't grow very large at all. It just takes them a lot longer to get the job done. ;)

Hope this helps,
Amber Worman