Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > is my siames fighting fish sick?`

is my siames fighting fish sick?`

23 14:26:23

I'm afraid that my Siamese fighting fish is sick. We got him about a month ago and he has been fine for quite a while. However we just recently purchased another betta and moved them both into a new tank, which has been separated in the middle(obviously so they cannot fight). My first fish however, had started acting
strange after a while in the new tank, by sitting at the bottom of the tank almost upright with his head aimed straight at the surface of the water, and occasionally doing the same at the top. He is still doing it
and i'm worried as i've never seen him do this before. He also seems to be having trouble when swimming to the top of the tank. He is also a little larger than my other fish. Please help as i am very worried. (My other fish is okay)

Male Betta's are very easily stressed. I think that your problem could be your fish is stressed and shocked through being in a new tank. Although you might be able to help him by adding anti stress drops into the tank and maybe, if need be put him in the old tank that you took him from. Good luck Jess.