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oscar biting each other

23 14:13:11

i have a community tank in which i have 3 oscars 2 cichlids 2 tinfoils.....among oscars i have 2 tiger and one albino tiger....the albino tiger is a new entry to the tank and one of my tiger oscar is biting it regularly.....what should i do...

Hi Sreeraj,
 In general, oscars are not community tank fish. They don't play well with others.  In fact, as they get larger, they will tend to eat the other fish in the tank, if at all possible.

 The best thing you can do is to increase the amount of structure you have in the tank. Structure is stuff like wood, rocks, and/or plants that help break up the space.  Lots of structure will make it possible for the smaller and/or weaker fish to hide when they are being chased.

-- Ron
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