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Red Dwarf Gouramis.

23 11:14:31


Red Gouramis
I recently bought to red dwarf gouramis (i think...?).  The
staff there didn't know weather they were male or female.  I
cant tell the difference.  They live in a 10 gal tank along
with some tetras.  The are not aggressive towards each other
and stay together for the most part (especially when the
light is off)

Hi Gabby

These are Flame Dwarf Gouramis. The pic isn't that clear, but it looks like the lower one above the green plant is a female and the upper one by the red colored plant is a male.

Males are usually a bit smaller than the female, and are slimmer in overall build. Females have a rounded belly compared to the males. However, the easiest way to sex Gouramis is by the dorsal (top) fin. The dorsal fin of the female is short and rounded, the male has a longer dorsal that comes to a point.

Just my opinion here, but if the place where you bought these couldn't tell you something as simple as the sex of a Gourami, they aren't that knowledgeable in fish, so you may want to find another place for your fish needs.

Hope this helps, good luck!
