Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Fish > bent spine?

bent spine?

23 13:55:27

i have a guppy tank, and have had it for over a year now. we have never had any problems with the babies before, and just recently i have noticed one of the babies had a problem. it's.. bent. it appears to be at about a 130 degree angle, with it's head elevated. it swims fine, eats, acts normally.. just with that bent tail.

i tried to look up some information on this and couldn't find quite what i was looking for, or any photos with the same issue. is this the same thing as a bend in the spine, or a curve in the spine? or what else could be the issue?


I think the term is "bent fish"  There are a few things that will cause fish to become bent.  Vitamin deficiency is one of them. Another would be fish TB... Regardless of what is causing it there is very little that you can do to correct it.  It may be a genetic disorder too... Just let the fish live its life... These kinds of fish usually do not live too long.  Keep me posted... dave