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Betta Fish Sees Reflection

23 14:21:48

I recently received a betta as a pet and I couldn't be happier.  He seems to be content and I haven't had any problems with him. However, in the bowl he is in, he can apparently see his reflection very well because when he gets close to the outer part of the bowl he gets very aggressive.  Is this aggression harmful?  I'm afraid he'll hurt himself/exhaust himself by constantly seeing his reflection.  Will it hurt him and if so, what can I do to help?  

Amber,                                                       If he is not running into the sides of the bowl . He is ok.... you can hold a compact mirror up to them to show your friends his gills. Its ok... If you are worried go perchase a small tank with hex sides and a little bubbler... he will be fine...Good Luck, Tina